Thursday, 28 July 2011

Diet Coke Chicken

I had read about this recipe in various forms, not least Nigella's Ham in Cola so, being home alone for a week whilst my other half (who will be known henceforth by his Twitter username, @RalphMighty) camped in a field with children *double shudder*, I decided to give it a go. This version has the benefit of being completely Syn-Free on an Extra Easy or Red day depending on what you serve with it. I chose couscous.

I used a recipe from the excellent blog Low Syn Life because others didn't include onion and @lowsynlife's recipes have never let me down yet. I substituted soy sauce for the Worcester Sauce because I had some of one and none of the other.

I'd love to be able to  bring you a tale of revolting, burnt, stickiness but I'm afraid the preparation went without incident. The Coke reduced just as it was supposed to and the chicken was cooked through. It looked OK,

and tasted OK. Too sweet for my taste but no worse than a lot of bought sauces or Chinese takeaways that I have had.

Whilst I 'm not overwhelmed by the taste you certainly wouldn't know that it was made from diet coke. Unless of course you have a  basic grasp of chemistry and realise that what goes into many store-bought and even restaurant-cooked sauces are essentially the same ingredients that go into soft drinks. It was incredibly easy to make but now that my curiosity is appeased I don't think I will be doing it again.

Another more fun thing to do with a chicken and a beverage if you are not on a diet:

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